Sonntag, 11. Januar 2015

Hello 2015 - get back on track!

Starting the new year right! With healthy eating and training like an insane. Well... not really. The first days of 2015 started like this

Oh yeah! Sleep! 

I was sleeping a lot in the last days, but now I am motivated to get a bit healthier again. It's really hard, I gained a couple of kilos over the last month because of the stress at work. I was really out of balance physically and mentally.
I'm also not really motivated to go to the gym anymore. So I think about buying a elliptical machine and doing some research now. I'm really bored of the gym so I'm doing some yoga at home and walk a lot but I really miss intense cardio and the elliptical is my favorite way to get my cardio training. The muscles in my right hip are really uptight of all the sitting at work and home and I'm note really able to run and jog without major pain in my hip anymore. That's said but maybe I will get it under control again with yoga.

I also want to change this blog a bit. Some new topics not only about health, maybe some more things about my life.
So let's start 2015 more healthy and happy. My cat is really motivated :)

Wish you all the best!