Mittwoch, 28. August 2013

Nomm Nomm breakfast

Today I want to share with you one of my favourite breakfasts.

I really love bread with curd cheese in the morning!

I have some different toppings that I put on it. One topping for this bread is a mixture of carrots and apples. I just grate on carrot and a half apple and put in on the bread

I also like to put a mashed banana on top of it, or I slice an apple, lay it on the bread and sprinkle some cinnamon on it.

You can put every fruit on it that you want! Also vegetables if you don’t have a sweet tooth in the morning as me :)

Any other topping ideas for my curd cheese bread?

Dienstag, 27. August 2013

Back in action and changes

Pretty sorry for not posting on this blog anymore. I lost track and went back to old me - I ate what I want and stopped exercising :)
My excuse - My hip pain was getting worst and so I stopped running and my HII-Training that I loved. A day after every HII-Training my right hip was hurting really bad for 2 or 3 days.
My doctor diagnosed an arthrosis in my hip – I’m only 26 but he said that my genes are the reason. I have to do physiotherapy now and we have to see if my hip pain will go away after I trained my hip muscles more.

I gained only 1 or 2 kilos during my "break" but I feel so soft and miss my strong legs that I had from running. My goal is not loosing weight anymore. I just want a strong body and give my body the best nutritious food – and a piece of cake now and then :)

Do some of you have experience with arthrosis? Maybe someone of you can give me some exercising tips!

I also plan to write my blog only in English and not German and English as I used to do. My English has to get better for work and this is a good training.

The topics of the blog will also change. I don't want to focus only on health and fitness. I will write down everything that I enjoy, from recipes to DIYs or home and garden tips. In august I moved to a little house with a big garden with my boyfriend, so there will be a lot to decorate for the seasons :)
That is my little herb garden on my kitchen window

Hope you like my next posts - Just let me know in the comments.